Public urban green spaces in the Dutch municipal omgevingsvisie: Developing a decision-making support model for envisioning greenness
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According to current expectations, the Omgevingswet will be introduced in the year 2022. One of its core instruments is the omgevingsvisie, an instrument that should contain long-term vision on the necessary and desirable developments of the physical living environment within a municipality, a province, or for the whole of the Netherlands. Due to the need to produce integral vision documents, the omgevingsvisies of Dutch urban municipalities should, among other things, contain a vision on public urban green space. The research aim was to produce a decision-making support model that can help municipalities in deciding how to integrate these green elements into their omgevingsvisies. In order to arrive at such a model, three issues have been addressed. Firstly, this research provides answers to the questions how elements of urban green space might be integrated into the structure of a municipal omgevingsvisie. Secondly, relevant considerations regarding both strategic spatial planning and envisioning and urban green space will be discussed. These considerations be used to inform decisions on how to integrate urban greening into the structure of an omgevingsvisie. Thirdly, rational planning theory and models have been used for translating these possible ways of integration and considerations into a steps-based decision-making support model.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen