Bridging Worlds: A Qualitative Study on Interdisciplinary Collaboration with Spiritual Care in Psychiatric Facilities in the Netherlands

dc.contributor.advisorSterkens, Carl
dc.contributor.authorBurgwal, van de, Lisette
dc.description.abstractMeaning and spiritual well-being have gained attention in psychiatric care. As these aspects form the core focus of spiritual care, this development could have positive implications for the positioning of and interdisciplinary collaboration with spiritual care within psychiatric facilities. This study therefore focused on the experiences of spiritual caregivers with interdisciplinary collaboration in psychiatric settings. Seven spiritual caregivers were interviewed for this qualitative study. The participants had a diverse demographic and religious background. The data was coded and analyzed using a model of interdisciplinary collaboration, containing five key components and five factors that could aid or form barriers to collaboration. This study has shown that despite its legal basis, the position of spiritual care in psychiatric facilities is still vulnerable. Spiritual care professionals rely heavily on other care providers and vice versa. Collaboration is considered important in order to best serve patients. Spiritual caregivers still face challenges to make collaboration happen, most notably outdated and limited views care providers have of the profession and time constraints. Successful collaboration is largely dependent on individual efforts and characteristics, including flexibility, assertiveness and interpersonal skills.
dc.thesis.facultyFaculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
dc.thesis.specialisationspecialisations::Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen::Master Theologie en Religiewetenschappen::Geestelijke verzorging
dc.thesis.studyprogrammestudyprogrammes::Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen::Master Theologie en Religiewetenschappen
dc.titleBridging Worlds: A Qualitative Study on Interdisciplinary Collaboration with Spiritual Care in Psychiatric Facilities in the Netherlands
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