Within context of the energy transition: How can the most prominent stakeholders that are involved in expansion of the energy network in Overijssel work towards more effective collaboration?

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A multi-embedded case study examining the effective collaboration between the four most prominent stakeholders in the expansion of the energy grid in Overijssel. Using the collaborative governance model, supplemented by theory on NIMBY, stakeholder perception and the process of trust development, this research was shaped. This revealed that a lack of deliberation, shared definition and mutual understanding results in a self-reinforcing effect of NIMBY within the current cohesion. Currently this prevents stakeholders to effectively collaborate. It has become apparent that landowners have a desire for more communication. A lack of this actually reinforces the feeling linked to NIMBY. By providing more insight from above to the landowner about the state of affairs, it seems to indicate that the self-reinforcing effect of the current cohesion can be broken. Two main drivers emerge in this, which seem likely to bring about this change. On the one hand, uncertainty about exactly how the energy network should be expanded, and on the other hand, new forms of leadership seem to be presenting themselves in the current dynamics of collaboration.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen