Kan verhalende journalistiek ons leren hoe we moeten overleven? De invloed van misdaad narratieven op het voorgenomen gedrag van de lezers.
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The purpose of this study was to find out whether crime narratives can influence the intended behaviour of the readers. The aim was to measure an effect on two types of genres (narrative vs. news) and two action havioural clues (hide vs. escape) that were suggested in the manipulation of the materials. Variables that were taken into account were the level of identification, narrative presence, action simulation and emotional response. The hypothesis was formulated according to previous research indicating that narratives have a different impact on readers than other writing formats and therefore stated that narratives should arouse higher levels of the previously mentioned variables. Also, stories could be able to ‘teach’ readers and action verbs are processed in the brain activating the areas related to the motion described. However, the intended behaviour of the readers is not affected by the narratives as exp! ected; th e readers chose the opposite of the action verbs suggested in the text. This could be due to the reason that the participants did not ‘believe’ the narrative was an actual news article and therefore displayed uncooperative behaviour. The readers of the news articles however did choose for the same actions that was described in the text. Solely the level of identification was significantly higher with the readers of the narratives.
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