Incidental vocabulary learning through Rap music: study in a Greek context and affect measurements.
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The present study aimed to replicate a previous research conducted by Rossen (2019) on incidental vocabulary learning in a music listening task and the role of rhyme as a mnemonic device. This study differed from the previous one as affect measurements were integrated through in-practice questionnaires to keep track of participants’ motivation, attitude and enjoyment towards the musical context. Greek EFL young adult learners were assigned in two groups, namely an experimental and a control group. Both groups were exposed to a rap song containing 8 pseudo words, referring to either concrete or abstract words. Participants were subjected to a comprehension test and two post vocabulary tests on form recognition and meaning recollection. To measure participants’ affective thoughts in addition to the in-practice questionnaires another questionnaire on interests in hip-hop/rap music was distributed. One week after the actual experiment a delayed post-test took place which aimed to investigate whether subjects still remembered the target items.
Findings of the study revealed that the control group had higher motivation than the experimental group. Such affect was also reflected to their vocabulary scores demonstrating that there is a correlation between behavior and performance. Participants of both conditions showed a learning effect in form recognition and meaning recollection as the scores in the delayed post-test were unexpectedly higher than the first time point. The study seems to suggest that for the Greek EFL context rhymes do not play a significant role rather than learners’ motivation, attitude, and enjoyment.
Keywords: incidental vocabulary learning, noticing hypothesis, form recognition, meaning recollection, effect of rhyme, affect measurements.
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