Curbing city logistics - a study of the interactions between urban logistics and spatial planning

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While delivering to the city, urban logistics vehicles are stopped more often than they are in motion. This master’s thesis seeks to explore how urban planning and logistics research may combine to mitigate curbside externalities which result from the vehicles’ most common status. This research explores urban logistics stopping themes and evaluates interventions to shift the sector in a positive direction. A mixed methods research design was invoked to accomplish a problem analysis approach. The methods include a desk research literature review, producing a typology of stopping (parking) practice, stakeholder interviews, and driver survey. This research project produces several key findings which contribute to an understanding of the state of the curbside. A literature-derived conceptual typology decomposes stopping practice along spatial and temporal lines and produces proven, manageable, and useful information. Interviews highlight stakeholder desires for dynamic allocation of the curbside, the need for harmonious involvement in solution fitting, and the role of enforcement to ensure success of interventions. The driver survey contributes to understanding of stopping practices of the general and fresh, parcel and express logistics flows. Insights from the survey relay drivers’ requests for more dedicated logistics space, and investigates their attitudes towards potential interventions and conflicts they regularly encounter.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen