The legitimation of emerging industries to reduce the investment risk: The Case of Growing the eSports Pie

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The purpose of this research is to analyze legitimacy in emerging industries and the effect on the perceived investment risk. This will extend the knowledge on how to increase legitimacy and how it can improve the investment climate to attract potential investors. The research methodology is a qualitative case study. Data is gathered through literature, interviews and documents. The quality of the analysis is supported with triangulation of data gathering and respondent selection. The scope of the research is legitimacy in emerging industries that are truly innovative. Also, the scope incorporates the sociopolitical and regulatory legitimacy of an industry. The research excludes established industries and emerging industries that use incremental innovations because those industries face less adversity in legitimacy. This makes it difficult to analyze the process of legitimation. The analysis resulted in support for the propositions. This means that sociopolitical legitimacy and regulatory legitimacy negatively affect the perceived investment risk. In other words, the higher the legitimacy, the lower the perceived investment risk. Furthermore, the results show a positive effect of sociopolitical legitimacy on regulatory legitimacy. Emerging industries should increase their legitimacy by creating a sociopolitical environment that complies to the norms and values in the industry but is also appealing to potential investors. This sociopolitical environment should be guarded by regulations and enforcements that match with the norms and values in the market. Cooperation is crucial in increasing regulatory legitimacy. An increasing legitimacy results in a decrease in the perceived investment risk. The research got hindered by the consequences of the Covid-19 virus that made the findings even less generalizable than normal qualitative research methodologies. Comparative case studies can increase the generalizability of the findings. Furthermore, qualitative research methods should be applied to statistically prove or disprove the findings of this research.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen