Framing the future of inner-city-transformation projects. An orientation how to create future-proof inner-city transformation projects in the randstad

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The term future-proof is often used in prestigious inner-city transformation projects, such as the Bijlmer Bajes, the Binckhorst and the Merwedekanaalzone. In these projects it often refers to a future-oriented way of dealing with different aspects in the domain of Spatial planning such as mobility, climate adaptation and different types of functions within an area, et cetera. However, there is no consensus on which aspects actually create future-proof inner-city transformation projects. The aim of this research is to gain insights on and have an orientation of what we mean by the concept ‘future-proof’, which domains and stocks are involved in realizing future-proof inner-city transformation projects in the Randstad and what potential differences can be found between the actors that are involved in the domain of Spatial planning. First, a framework is created to have an overview and orientation of which domains and stocks affect making inner-city transformation projects future-proof. Second, we find out if there is a disparity between theoretical literature and practice concerning future-proofness by comparing both. The differences between the scientific literature and findings of the target groups can be combined to create a framework of future-proof inner-city transformation projects in the so-called framework The Disk of Four.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen