Verbal anchoring in non-profit organisation's logos: a start of a better world?

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This research intended to measure the effects of the level of verbal anchoring in logos on the perception and response of potential donors of non-profit organisations. This was measured while comparing two countries: The Netherlands and France. In total, 203 participants took part in the online questionnaire. Three versions (no verbal anchoring, incomplete verbal anchoring, complete verbal anchoring) of the logos of Unicef, Red Cross and Doctors without Borders were used to measure the recognition of the logo, logo attitude, perceived fit between the organisation’s core values and the logos, and the intention to donate for the cause. The results show that no significant differences in high/low context culture were found and that recognition and perceived fit between core values and logos were highest for logos with brand name and slogan. This version scored best as well for intention to donate, but only for the French nationality. However, there are also some limitations, such as inconsistent logo design for the two countries. In conclusion, marketers should hold into account the level of verbal anchoring in the logo of a non-profit organisation to receive more donations, but there are of course more factors to be researched that can influence this.
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