The costs of EU's policy on external border security. Revealing the financial consequences for the bordering industry and undocumented migrants

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The European Union has been fortifying its external borders the last two decades. The human costs of this bordering policy, are widely covered by the media and the academic field, but what about the financial costs? By following the money of this policy, the aim of this thesis is to provide insight into the financial costs of EU’s border security. This is an explorative research, wherein secondary data sources are used. By analysing yearly financial reports of the EU, policy documents, research project summaries and other independent reports, I was able to track down most of the costs since the securitisation change after 9/11. The total amount of funding towards the bordering industry amounted to just over 17 billion euro. I argue that the current external border policy of the EU is not worth its costs. I recommend a policy that focuses on actually helping undocumented migrants, instead of spending billions on new ways of detecting and stopping these migrants. This is a waste of tax payers’ money and will continue to stimulate the shadow industry. It is time to cut both the human and financial costs of this bordering policy, by changing it into a more inclusive one.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen