BIZness as usual? Exploring the forces that shape BIZmodels in Dutch inner cities

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In order to enhance knowledge on Dutch BIZ-models, the following research questions is designed: ‘What forces shape the production and reproduction of varying BIZ-models in Dutch cities?’ The research is conducted using a methodology of relational comparative analysis. Semi-structured interviews were performed on twelve respondents in the BIZ-field of expertise. The city of Amsterdam was selected as a single-case study, due to opportunities that the internship provided as well as exceptionally large share of Dutch BIZs in Amsterdam. However, regarding the methodology of the research, the single case study includes a relational disclaimer. The first research question delivers an insight in variables on within the BIZ-model. The most frequently reoccurring variables induced the development of a framework of types of Dutch BIZ-models. The second research question reveals the presence of different neoliberal forces of convergence. It can be concluded that although such forces lead to particular commonalities amongst BIZ-models, they are limited in their influence compared to endogenous forces of the local-specific context. Furthermore, even though theoretical BIZ-models that would be expected given its neoliberal character would assume large sizes, and strategic long-term investments, the share of Dutch BIZs that actually achieve such forms is rather limited. The bulk of Dutch BIZs are still of relatively small size, perform small-scale activities of basic nature and mostly only involve entrepreneurs. These observations confirm the relatively weak role of neoliberal forces
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen