Perceived Visual and Phonological Similarity Between Letters: A Comparison Study Between People With and Without Dyslexia

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Dyslexia is a language-based disorder that is mainly charac- terized by di culties in reading and writing. The behavior of people with dyslexia expresses itself by poor ability in discriminating letters, causing reversal of letters, less accuracy and uency while reading. Therefore, this research will focus on the question whether people who su er from dyslexia experience similarity of letters di erently than people without dyslexia, based on perceived phonological and visual features. Moreover, this research tries to detect if speci c features are decisive in distinguish- ing dyslectic behavior. To measure the di erences in perceived similarity, the multidimensional scaling inverse method was used. This method is used, because it represents the mental representation of similarities be- tween perceived objects by representing dissimilarity between objects as a distance in space. The results of this research do not show any sig- ni cant di erence between the two groups. Also, none of the examined phonological or visual features form any indication for dyslexia. How- ever, the study was limited due to the small amount of participants and the di culty of the task. It therefore is not possible to draw any strong conclusion from this research. Future research with a larger sample size and a more accessible task is recommended. Keywords: Dyslexia inverse MDS method Similarity between letters. 1 Introduction
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