The circular economy in the urban area: a case study in Nijmegen, the Netherlands

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Cities in the Netherlands has made ambitious commitment to the pursuit of the circular economy. The role of cities is consistently emphasised in the circular economy policy discourse, yet it is not clear how stakeholders interact in socially oriented transition in the urban arena, particularly given the fact that the urban production-consumption system influenced by factors not only situated within but also beyond the city region. This research applies the multilevel perspective framework to investigate the interactions among circular niche actors and regime members in the plastic packaging value chain in Nijmegen in the Netherlands. The analysis shows that the strong environmental awareness and the European Green Capital Award contribute to the niche development in the city region. The circular niche actors are building local networks with the members of the regimes to prepare the activities within the framework of the European Green Capital. A trans-local niche-regime collaboration with plastic manufacturers is demanding, as redesigning is one of the crucial elements to realise the circular transition. This research echoes the multi-scalar perspective in the sustainability transition studies that actors constructed the scale of the networks which mostly meets their interests rather than fitting the administrative territories which are convenient for policy makers.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen