De productie van w-vragen bij gezonde volwassenen: wie, wat, waar, welke, wanneer en waarom.

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Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis was to examine the production of wh-questions in healthy adults with Dutch as their native language. The aim of this study was to investigate the differences between six wh-questions: who, what, where, which, when and why. Thirty healthy adults between the age of 50 to 75 participated in this study. It was predicted that producing wh-questions had the following complexity structure: what, where, who, why, when and which. In this division ‘what’ is the easiest and ‘which’ is the most complex wh-question. This hypothesis was substantiated by the acquisition of the production of wh-questions in children. Methods: Each participant had to read 3 short stories. Then a possible answer and a wh-word was shown to them. Subsequently the participant had to produce an adequate question with the wh-word. The accuracy and response time of the produced question-sentences was measured. Results: The results showed that there was no significant difference in accuracy and response time between the 6 wh-questions. However, the level of education and the kind of story showed a significant effect in response time. Conclusion: This study didn’t show significant differences between the 6 wh-questions, but further research is needed using the recommendations in this paper.
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