Counterfactual Bayesian inference in the development of pre-reaching behaviour

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The development of reaching behaviour in infants starts just days after birth, and generally follows a certain pattern of pre-reaching frequency which contains a notable drop in frequency around 7 weeks of age. The developmental mechanisms underlying this pattern vary, but a prominent theory is that the onset of muscle co-activation in uences developmental pre-reaching behaviour. Developmental robotics studies are valuable in examining developmental theories' merits by reverse-engineering be- havioural models from leading theories and observing resulting behaviour. The cur- rent study aims to use developmental robotics to provide additional insight into the muscle coactivation theory. The cognitive model used to represent processing of mo- tor actions was realized as a counterfactual Bayesian agent, implementing a previously untested method, counterfactual imaging, as its inference strategy. The viability of the imaging procedure in cognitive modeling of motor control was evaluated based on task performance. Due to complexity issues inherent in the imaging procedure, its viability as a model for cognition was found to be limited. Even after inference sim- pli cation, performance in motor tasks was low. As such, its e cacy was found to be insu cient for it to be a viable method in modeling cognitive tasks. In uence of the onset of muscle coactivation was evaluated by comparing it to empirical results from behavioural studies in developmental psychology. The behavioural e ects observed in human infants were not replicated by the simulated infants implementing an onset of muscle coactivation. Since imaging was found to be an insu cient model of mo- tor control, the observed results currently only provide a preliminary indication that muscle coactivation may not be the cause of observed behavioural patterns.
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen