Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie & Religiewetenschappen

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    Vormen van katholiek vormingsonderwijs op de openbare basisschool
    (2024-12-16) Lanen, van, Jordi
    In Nederland kunnen leerlingen op openbare basisscholen facultatief en op verzoek van ouders godsdienstig/levensbeschouwelijk vormingsonderwijs volgen. Dit vormingsonderwijs kent twee vormen; een klassieke vorm waarbij ouders kiezen voor een enkele traditie waarin, en van waaruit, hun kinderen les krijgen en een samenwerkingsvorm waarbij leerlingen met diverse levensbeschouwelijke achtergronden gezamenlijk les krijgen over verschillende tradities. In deze scriptie wordt gekeken in hoeverre de samenwerkingsvorm past bij de uitgangspunten van katholiek onderwijs. Hiertoe zijn acht uitgangspunten van katholiek onderwijs geïdentificeerd en zijn beide vormen geanalyseerd en met elkaar vergeleken. Deze vergelijking laat zien dat de samenwerkingsvorm slechts in beperkte mate voldoet aan de uitgangspunten van katholiek onderwijs en dat de klassieke vorm meer recht doet aan deze uitgangspunten.
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    The Age of Disorientation: The Downside of Personal Freedom
    (2024-11-29) Liedtke, Maurice
    Classical Existentialism is not a leading philosophical theory in today’s academic world anymore. Still, its impact on several aspects of everyday human life and other fields of academic study is immense. Existentialism had a groundbreaking influence on psychology and the contemporary understanding of human identity. In the following, I want to analyse a concept of academic psychology – the Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz – through the lens of classical Existentialism. With this analysis, I want to show the impact – even though not necessarily explicit – of Existentialism on how we understand the human psyche today - especially regarding the concept of identity. One vital aspect of this analysis is how the constitution of the human identity shifted throughout modernity.
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    Epistemic injustice against Palestinians: instrumental for the Dutch cultural archive
    (2024-09-03) Boer, Sarah
    This thesis is a philosophical exploration of the concept of the cultural archive applied to the Netherlands, and its effects on knowledge production about Israel and Palestine. Explaining the cultural archive within an epistemological context, I argue that the epistemic injustices done to Palestinians within Dutch public and political discourse stem from the Dutch cultural archive and its relation to Zionism. I argue that the Dutch cultural archive has a need for Zionist ideology in order to uphold a positive cultural self-image. This self-image has been tainted by Dutch antisemitism and its complicity in the genocide on its Jewish citizens during the second world war, to which Zionism offers a penance that can restore the image of a just country.
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    Meaning and Purpose in the Digital Age
    (2024-10-31) Jans, Lydia
    This master’s thesis explores the way videogames and their engaging narratives, in particular Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda’s Ocarina of Time (1998), can provide fruitful, lasting, and lively sources of meaning for modern, young individuals. It is led by the research question, ‘what are the characteristics of fictional fantasy videogames, such as Ocarina of Time, that allow them to be a modern source of meaning?’ and utilizes narrative analysis to thoroughly analyze the videogame’s story. Especially relevant for spiritual counselors, who should be aware of all those topics outside of traditional religion where today’s generations find solace, this thesis found that videogames, such as Ocarina, possess multiple characteristics that allow it to be deeply meaningful, impactful and purposeful to players.
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    A Critical Evaluation of the Conspiracy Argument against Superdeterminism
    (2023-09-13) Vissers, Thomas
    Superdeterminism is a subclass of deterministic hidden-variable models underlying quantum theory. Crucially, it rejects that in all experimental contexts, the settings of a measuring device are independent of the state of the measured object. A prominent objection of the framework comes in the form of the conspiracy argument. This consists of the critique that superdeterminism leads to absurd correlations between all physical systems and that this leads to extreme fine-tuning. I critically examine whether this argument renders it unviable as a theoretical framework to address the philosophical problems of quantum theory with. While exposing far-reaching metaphysical consequences, I ultimately argue that although I do not consider it correct, it can be considered viable given the defined criteria.