Rewriting History: The Neo-Slave Narrative in the New Millennium

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During the period of the Abolitionist Movement the original slave narratives were highly similar, because they all followed a specific outline. During the Civil Rights Movement, authors of the neo-slave narratives had the chance to let go of that outline and incorporate issues that the earlier writers could not, such as romance among slaves. Although the issues of those times (Abolitionism, Civil Rights) have now become less demanding, the genre is still popular amongst contemporary writers. How, and to what extent, have the authors of the post-millennium neo-slave narrative genre in North America continued and/or expanded on the revisionist purposes of the neo-slave narrative genre of the Civil Rights Period? The post-millennium neo-slave narratives breech topics that have been neglected, such as African (-American) slaveholders, indentured servants, and Canada as a country that was not as much of a safe haven as people think it was. Even though it is painful for some, these issues need to be addressed, so that oversights in history can be mended and people might get a chance to come to terms with the traumatic past of slavery.
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