Hollowing out of the Ukrainian state? Consequences of Ukraine’s pro-European direction

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The central question of this master thesis is: “What is the influence of the pro-European direction of Ukraine on the power of the Ukrainian national state?” This question is answered by first exploring the scientific debate about the role of the national state, which is very much at the front of the broader current debate in human geography. Following this debate, the conclusion can be drawn that the last decennia the role of national states is changing. Glocalisation is a term that indicates such changes. In this thesis, I explore the national state of Ukraine in relation to this theme. Two weaknesses arise when the concept of glocalisation is used as an analytical tool. The first one has to do with the thought that glocalisation implies a hollowing out of the national state. However, national governance can be quite necessary and important in processes related to glocalisation. The second weakness I highlight is that the concept of glocalisation is missing the ‘identity function’ of a national state. Glocalisation is more focused on economic processes than on sociological issues. The case of Ukraine illustrates the importance of this identity-argument extremely well. The country can roughly be divided into two groups; one which is Europe-oriented and one which is Russia-oriented.
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen