Branding Limburg : A positioning of two branding strategies from a Competitive Identity perspective

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Place branding is a common practice nowadays. The local identity of places is gaining more and more importance as a factor in location choice for companies, residents, visitors and talent because of the ongoing globalisation process. It is evident that places must be branded, but there are several approaches to brand a place. The branding strategies used can thus differ. Just like many other authorities, the Province of Limburg has recognised the importance of place branding. While in the last four years only South Limburg was actively branded, in July 2013 the Province wants to broaden this practice to Limburg as a whole. The branding strategy of South Limburg under the header of ‘Regiobranding Zuid-Limburg’, was developed by consultancy firm Berenschot and aimed at positioning South Limburg as a region with a good work-life-balance. The means that were used to reach this goal were mainly communication oriented in the form of promotion campaigns, supplemented with a number of actions and projects. The new branding strategy for Limburg with the working title ‘Limburg Branding’ is developed by international consultants Simon Anholt, Robert Govers and Jeremy Hildreth. The brand of Limburg will be established through real actions and projects around the leitmotiv “Limburg. We don’t see borders, we see interfaces.” The broadening of the branding practices from South Limburg to Limburg entails a new branding approach: Competitive Identity
Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen