The Influence of the Font of the Brand’s Name within a Logo and Logo Complexity on the Perception of Logo- Core Value Fit and on Consumer Response.

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Logos are known to be stable brand elements and are assumed to express the core values of a brand. The recent ‘less is more’ trend has led to a simplification of logos and an abandonment of design details, which raises the question whether this simplification has an impact on the perception of logos in relation to the representation of the company’s core values that are expressed by it. Although earlier studies have stressed their potential as design elements within logos, brand names and the unique fonts they are written in seem to be used less and less in logos. This study aimed to extend previous findings regarding the effect of logo complexity and the use of fonts in brand names in logos. The experiment (N = 120) measured the effects of logo complexity and the font of brand names on logo appreciation, and the perceived fit between brands’ core values, brands’ personalities, customers’ attitudes towards brands, and their logo appreciation. This was done in a two (complexity: low vs. high) x four (font: original, none, congruence, incongruent) mixed design, with brand consciousness as a covariate. It was hypothesized that a congruent font, which is associated with the same characteristics as the values of the brand, would lead to a higher core value fit. This positive effect was believed to occur especially in complex logos in combination with congruent fonts. In line with some of the hypotheses, findings showed that complex logos with a congruent font were most suitable to represent the core values of a company and that complex logos evoked a more positive attitude than simple logos. In contrast, simple logos led to a higher logo appreciation and a more positive representation of a brand’s personality.
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